We help you make food you're proud of with well-tested weeknight recipes, bread baking resources, and more!
Ready to tackle some January meal planning? We've got you covered with these easy make ahead recipes!
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Oh, Hello!
I'm Jessie, and I like to talk about food. At Life As A Strawberry, we're on a mission to share recipes and resources that help you make food you're proud of: whether that's your first loaf of homemade bread, a quick dinner on a busy Wednesday, or an elegant Thanksgiving dinner for 20.
Our Best Bread Recipes
Our fan-favorite bread recipes will help you bake incredible bread at home - no matter your skill level! See all bread recipes →
Browse Recipes by Category
Check out some of our most popular recipe collections! See all categories →
Cooking 101 Tutorials
We'll take you back to basics with these introductory guides to popular cooking techniques, recipes, and more!
Vegetarian Recipes
Our vegetarian dishes are perfect for Meatless Monday (or any day!) Browse all vegetarian recipes →
Easy Weeknight Dinners
No time to cook? We've got you covered with these quick weeknight meals. See all quick weeknight recipes →
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Small Batch Recipes
Baking for just a few people? Try our small batch baking recipes - perfect when you're cooking for two! Browse all small batch recipes →
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We're constantly updating our best recipes to reflect reader feedback, add helpful notes, and more! Here are a few of our most recently updated recipes.